thats just my baby and wanted an outside picture. tan is dark its the light and the 1.8 mixel digital. last pics folks calimed i had no calves so i tried to show that um i do. crosss triations everywhere don't show with this camara and again i am not posing
3 and this will be my second show last came in second in atough class where the winner moved to national ranked middleweight and abrely beat me. he had me by 20plus pounds
guys, thanks for the comments. After a while you reach a point where it hurts so much and you do so much and feedback encourages you to finish it out. I really wish the pics where better so the hard work would really show. I have veins in my groin, hams, cut abs and all just can't capture tehm on this camara. I took 1 year off to put on at this very time 25 more pounds than my last show. I know its a trophjy and the feedback I get is so much more important but I have given all I have for this trophy. Your feedback, advise, pushing, and overall care make it so much easier to keep going. Thanks and I for sure look straight.