everyone has different goals and lifestyles .... for me if i have to stay awake late for whatever reason then I will take some. I will take a small shot of black coffee, or an ass lightning from NTBM. but I make sure I make up for the lost sleep with a power nap the next day as I never sleep in.
but i would not advise someone who is trying to "diet and bodybuilding" as this forum title says to consume this stuff everday and get hooked on them. use them when necessary, I always keep a few ass lightnings in my pantry just in case... cobra's post above sums up the reason it is catabolic.
again everyone should take a look at their individual goals, but i see no reason to depend on these EVERYDAY to workout if you are getting the proper amount of rest every night. if you need to take a 5 hour energy just to get pumped up for the gym then you need to re-examine your sleep patterns and diet which may be making you feel blah
i do keep an ass lightning handy on work days when im workin all day then driving for 6+ hours. sometimes u just need it. but there is a difference between using one when needed ann using them to the point of adrenal fatigue which so so many ppl do