SteveMobsterG Moderator Moderator EF Logger Yesterday at 5:42 AM #51 While pre-set programs work I tend towards training according to YOUR needs
the_alcatraz Head Mod Elite Moderator Yesterday at 9:06 AM #52 yankeedoodle said: Thanks man, will chuck another update tonight. All settled in new house now, gym finishes and work sorted so time to up the intensity and the calories and finish the next 8 week strong. Click to expand... Congrats on new place bro
yankeedoodle said: Thanks man, will chuck another update tonight. All settled in new house now, gym finishes and work sorted so time to up the intensity and the calories and finish the next 8 week strong. Click to expand... Congrats on new place bro
MasonicBodybuilder Moderator Chairman Member Yesterday at 11:27 AM #53 Looking good brother. Great news about the job.
abolone V.I.P. EF Logger Yesterday at 10:04 PM #54 Cals will bring you back to 90s in no time my brother! Congratulations on the new job good news what a relief!
Cals will bring you back to 90s in no time my brother! Congratulations on the new job good news what a relief!