ok, this is just a rant about something that pisses me off more than anything at the gym. i am not a huge guy, but i have some size. well anyways, my arms are a little over 16inches, not that that is some shining achievement, but its over average at my gym. anyways, i NEVER wear sleeveless shirts b/c i feel that my arms are not large enough to grant that look of being tough or big. so where do these little shits who have 13 inch arms get off wearing wife beaters(tank tops for those of you still in the 80s) to work out in. i mean these kids bench like 100 lbs max, and curl about 50 lbs. are they not embarassed with their small arms? if im wearing sleeves, you should too you small shit. does this not piss anyone esle off? i could beat the shit out of all these guys and they walk around like they are the #1 shit. ok, done ranting.