Ok folks, I'm back on it, not pushing too hard, but getting my cardio in this morning with some thanks due to the makers of nasal decongestants.
Something I'd like to comment on this morning is body weight. Yes, as in... The scale. The inanimate object that terrorizes and glorifies individuals all over the world.
Mine humiliated me this morning... Or it could have, would have in the old days. I was six (6, as in 4 plus 2) pounds up from last Thursday (I check my weight twice/week right now).
I'm not entirely immune to the panic of theoretical fat gain. I reminisce on the extra bison burger, a heavy handed portion of salmon, the 3 gallons (exaggeration) of chicken broth I drank in an effort to knock the flu out yesterday.
Wait a sec... Chicken broth. Doesn't that have a lot of sodium? Yes, indeed it does. I estimate yesterday I took in about 3-4 grams more sodium than I usually do. I did this intentionally, to keep my "yang" energy up, my blood pressure pumping long hard enough for me to make it through a full day at work, to clear the crap out of my sinuses.
So then I'm left dealing with this number. Way higher than I'd like, and a little voice in my head that says "this meal plan is too big for you! You're getting fat! Run for the hills!!" But thorough review says it's probably not my my plan making me "fat".
Today's solution is to follow my nutrition and exercise plan to the letter, resist the urge to keep weighing myself until I get a number I like (see, I'm crazy too!) and recheck on Thursday.
I also know it's time to bite the bullet and find someone local to keep an eye on my body fat %. I'm lifting like a bodybuilder, so it's a little silly to use a "Jenny Craig" measuring tool as my only barometer for success.
Not saying that the scale is worthless. If this "number" isn't any better on Thursday I will be making a call to my trainer and you'd best bet there will be some alterations to the current plan, but that's the difference, it will be a calculated, planned change that is geared toward my goals, not a willy-nilly meal-skipping effort to make myself feel better.
If there were one thing I could go back and teach myself about this whole body development process it would be the triumvirate of consistency, patience and calm. Panic gets me nowhere. The panicked efforts of my 20s got me bouts with anorexia and binge eating, osteoporosis and amennorhea. Today I am 130 lb of mostly muscle, I have the energy to get through my day, and at 32 I have a better body than I most of the 20 somethings at my gym.
I definitely didn't come up with this but I often reflect on a common meditation teaching that the constant dripping of water can wear away a stone. Polished. Finished. Strong. That's what we are going for (or I'm going for anyway). I've had the Skinny Bitch body. For me, there was something really unfulfilling about always shooting for smaller, thinner, weaker.
Here's to owning some strength and power! Have a fabulously charged day. Don't be ruled (don't let your mood be ruled) by a 7 dollar digital box.
If you have fat to lose, fine... We are doing it; this is not meant to be a fat girl's manifesto. There are too many of those out there. I'm talking about identifying your physical goals and making them what you want (not necessarily what Madison Ave wants you to aspire to).
If you prefer your Skinny No Whip Latte you can have mine too. I'm going guns blazing for this procard in 2012.