Gooooooood mooooorning, "Lounge" Ladies (and Gents)!
Pumping out some cardio and aware that I need more sleep. Can't keep burning the candle at both ends and expect to have a wick left when I need it!
Did Slat's abs (has anyone seen the bro lately?) and fighting for every minute on this medieval torture machine of perpetual stairs. ;p oh the drama! Know what? I'm gonna stop fighting it and just do it.
I'm getting slammed in my last week of work. Making a clean exit is always an energy-consuming endeavor but they are definitely not making it easy. They heaped a presentation on me at the last minute and know I can't dog it because I need a positive review from the director for my next position.
Sometimes life, like the step mill, has you by the ovaries and if you squirm you're just gonna injure yourself. It makes sense in these positions to put your head down, apply a little elbow grease and push through.
In the words of God-knows-who originally,
"Sometimes the best way out is through."
Cmon, CB... Quit squirming in your cosmic seat and put your head down. Get a shoulder into it, throw some f'ing elbows if you have to but get this biz done.