Good morning, Ladies' Room!!
I'm back in my "work town" for the last week at this job. I can't believe I'm moving again but life deals the unexpected sometimes, right?
This morning is a date with the step mill... Pumping out some major soreness from my Christmas Eve leg workout. As I mentioned then, I had a lot of fatigue going into it and thought maybe I was wimpin'. The soreness yesterday and today, though, seem to indicate otherwise.
But you know I've always got other possible explanations brewing

These are the 2 front runners:
1. H2O: With the holiday traveling and the crazy work schedule in the days prior (plus the touch of flu), I have no doubt that my efforts to stay hydrated were insufficient. I actually TRIED to drink more water, focused on getting some electrolytes, but this kind of drinking makes for unhappy car-trips. As it was I squirmed in traffic a couple times waiting for the next exit. So, in short(er), it's altogether likely that there was some dehydration. This could both explain the fatigue on the day of the workout and the soreness now. If this is the case, I'm on board, doing some light cardio and drinking a good amount of water to flush out that lactic acid. Bottoms up!!
2. Economical Packing: As an independent woman, I abide by the philosophy that "if you can't carry it, you shouldn't pack it." Thankfully, my time at the gym allows me to pack some hot rollers when needed, but this trip home especially employed the minimalist packing credo. I probably took it a little too far, though. Weeding through the vitamins and supplements I would "really need", I elected not to pack my huge tub of Glutamine. Now in a less "smash and grab" packing diva would have measured some into a suspicious-looking plastic bag, but I had gotten out of work earlier than expected and was excited to (LOL!) beat some of the traffic. As you all know, Glutamine is great for muscle recovery, and quitting cold turkey for a few days (especially leg day!!!) probably contributed to the gluteal and quadricep unhappiness.
So maybe I was working hard enough, or maybe I wasn't working hard enough at recovery. You be the judge! Either way I'm making a more concerted recovery effort today!