I agree with the analogy of deathdrob - personal trainers have supposedly done training, and yet the routines they give clients are terrible - extensions instead of squats, machine bench, very little leg work, no HIIT, extremely high repetitions. No suprise the the clients remain fat.
I would again highlight that some of her information, even from someone not training to gain muscle but merely eating for health, is misguided - safflower, canola, margarine, are not good fat sources for a healthy heart and the processed omega 6 in those has shown to be a carcigen (even a wikipedia search can attest to this).
I would again highlight that some of her information, even from someone not training to gain muscle but merely eating for health, is misguided - safflower, canola, margarine, are not good fat sources for a healthy heart and the processed omega 6 in those has shown to be a carcigen (even a wikipedia search can attest to this).