I am doing HITT 3 X a week 20/30 minute warm up jog at 6minute/k, or 10k/hr..same thing really..
Which is a jog...for any runner it would be crawling...LOL..
I do it at the park which has a slight hilly terrain, watch measures ascent 60 m.
So I jog then either do Frog leaps for 50 meters, keeping arms crossed on chest, so I will not get a swing from them.
Recover for 45 secs, and do it again.
For 20/25 minutes if I can still breathe.
Another day is 20 minute jog, and climb stairs
which are 6 sets, (if you can see the stairs there are 4 of the around the water) first round is 1 step at a time, second round is 2 steps at a time third round is 3 steps a a time...I can almost faint...then I do jog back 15 minutes, and do 6 rounds 100 mts.(open stride) to cool down and not have any lactic acid build up.
Third day I do HITT I jog the 20 minute warm up, amd do 6 or 7 sprints for 30 secs, and recover 45.
I have done ocasional 5k walk in park, just not in the mood to stay home or had one pm elliptical session that lasted 20 minutes...Those were done more for sanity than cutting.
I did go out for a 7.5 run for me! Jog for BF last week and was having the hardest time with self esteem, and breathing LMAO.
I did golf Friday and had another golf game week before that.
So what do you think?
39.10 years old
I am 5'4 measured last week.
120 lbs.
BF measured with tanita 17%
Wanted to die...
Cals 1300 40/30/30 Most of the time
As you know I do not plan on competing, I compete every day with myself and my mirror.
Vain I know...VERY VAIN!