Yes I know one of these "height" threads probably comes along everyday, so i figured wtf, one more won't hurt. I'll give all the info and i'm sure someone out there can give me an answer. I'm 16.4 yrs old (bday 7/15), and I'm currently 5 8 or just a shade under I think. I started puberty I think in 7th grade because I remember gettin measured 6th grade yr in school and being 4 9.75. By 8th grade year I was 5 4 so I'm pretty sure I hit puberty in 7th grade. Last yr (soph yr, currently junior) I measured at 5 6.5, and I'm pretty sure I've grown an 1" to an 1.5" since then. My dad and mom are 5 1 and 5 4, and yes my dad is the one that is 5 1. Now some of you may think right now forget it kid your probably done growing but I think my father's height is just the result of a poor diet as a kid, he grew up in Italy pretty poor. His brother though is 5 7, and all of my male cousins from his side range from 5 7-6 3, and the ones that are 5 7 and 6 3, have parents that are 4 10 and 5 5, go figure lol. I can't give any info for my mom's family because she was adopted which puts me shit out of luck. I do drink milk by the gallon, eat like a pig, workout regularly, and have recently started taking a multi-vitamin and doing stretching exercises. I've supplied all the info so could someone please answer, thanks.