New member
I am REALLY grateful for all the time you have put into helping me out with answering my questions. I am gonna take your word on it, and give it a go. I just logged everything I ate into fitday, as well as just added a bunch of custom foods that I am eating here at home. My macros will be at 40/30/30, which Im hitting today, but Im low on calories, so I'll be having a good size dinner 
Im going to stick to it for 3 months and see what happens! Im totally motivated now, especially after seeing those pics of myself on screen (blah) Can I ask for your help in one other area? I know this is the diet section, but as for weight lifting..If I just do the basic compound lifts (squat, bench, bentover rows, DL's) with maybe adding a few things I want to improve on such as assisted pullups and dips, and push ups...three times a week for the next three months, think this will be enough, with the hopes of seeing just a little bit of change in my body in a few months?

Im going to stick to it for 3 months and see what happens! Im totally motivated now, especially after seeing those pics of myself on screen (blah) Can I ask for your help in one other area? I know this is the diet section, but as for weight lifting..If I just do the basic compound lifts (squat, bench, bentover rows, DL's) with maybe adding a few things I want to improve on such as assisted pullups and dips, and push ups...three times a week for the next three months, think this will be enough, with the hopes of seeing just a little bit of change in my body in a few months?