yeah its only not a good source because to get the 40g of protein the equivalent of a chicken breast you gotta drink 5 gases of milk, and this yields 60g of sugar. Thats not a very healthy thing to do.
I buy 2-3 gallons a week lol. The first time my gf went grocery shopping with me, she thought I was stocking up for a hurricane or something, then I told her that's just what I drink every week. She still thinks I'm crazy, but what the hell, she loves me anyway... also I have no problems with lactose so I don't cut loose any dairy-powered gastrointestinal eruptions around her
I found that many who believe they are lactose intolerant are not. When people get the flu and are prescribed antibiotics the bacteria that make them ill get killed along with the bacteria that helps digest food in the intestines. I was in the supermarket a couple months back and found that they started stocking kefir in the last aisle by the butter. Kefir is a cultured milk about half as thick as yogurt. It has the bacteria in it to help digest dairy products. I bought a bottle of the cherry flavored since they were out of chocolate. Now I fart only from the sugars in the fruit juices.
u need to consider ur goals if ur bulking and dont have peoblems with lactose than it is a perfect food i dont go crazy on milk in the summer thou if u are an ecto than id be squatting and drinking 1 gallon milk a day as welll as food and bump dial tone on the added milk powder
Milk is great bro.....just some of us are lactose intolerant.....which means nasty diarrea, farts that would drive all near by humans away and the cramps.......