Nice post fella's
Here's one I can add:
Vision: Most of us are limited by self imposed barriers. I know this affects my physical performance more times than not. I try to convince myself that I can't bench well because of leverage or whatever. I lack vision to go beyond what I currently see as possible. In another setting, I would call this faith (seeing things that aren't as though they are) or lack thereof.
My realization of this comes from career, not lifting, but it should apply nonetheless. When I was a private, I didn't see myself ever becoming a sergeant major. It took a few years before I could even envision becoming a sergeant. Then, I had to envision becoming a drill sergeant. At more than one point, I thought I'd just hang it up, & be happy with what I had achieved.
Only after years of succession did I realize that "hey, I've done something here!" When I was selected to be the Chief Instructor at one of the Army's Drill Sergeant schools, I had finally achieved a goal that I thought was unobtainable. (there are only 10 in the whole army). When I was selected as a SGM, I finally looked back at the 20 years it took, & realized that I DID have goals and vision, it was just hard to see the forest for the trees at times. (More than once, I had rank and Badges ready before I was officially notified)
Now I'm a few days away from a Board that meets to select Command Sergeants Major. Do I see myself on that list?
Hell Yeah!! (prayers are appreciated, though)
Never sell yourself short.
And don't ever let anyone else tell you that you can't achieve a goal. If they do, don't let it bother you. YOU are the one in control.
Charlie Mike,
(army talk for continue mission)