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Hi People, I'm 25 athletic build, been trying to put on a nice amount of mass for last year and a half with little results. Got a bit bigger, and then despite trying to increase weights and eat more, I could only lift and eat so much, and muscles instead of increasing just became more toned as I proceed with more excercise. Currently 70KG. When I was 17/18 I was much bigger but something odd happened around 20yo where I lost loads of weight energy and became really pale, despite following ahealthier lifestyle than when I was a teenager.
Decided it was time to go on a first cycle, so I researched it for a few months. It was unanimously agreed that my 1st cycle be Deca + Sustanon every 4 days with 250mg Sus and 300mg Deca on each injection every four days. I was not happy with the decision for Deca so I instead settled on 200mg every four days with original amount of SUS.
Day 2 after 1st injection : appetite goes through roof, I eat more, and quickly put on muscle and fat in good places very quickly and by day 4 this was very noticeable. Water noticeably infuses tissues, and is felt in lightness of knees. By day 4 performance when jogging up the hill to work in morning is noticeably less of a pain. Impressed considering additional hardcore training had not yet started whilst I watched for initial effects of hormones in system.
Day 7: Ok 7 days after 1st and 3 days after 2nd injections. Despit putting on some weight I don't look much bigger, but when I strip I notice I am looking ripped, veins popping all over, and a flushed glow all over making me look pumped. Quality of facial skin dramatically improves as does brightness of eyes, and texture of hair. So much so I get a lot of admiring looks from strangers and people who usually don't even give a second glance. That has not happened since Iwas 18/19. I am thinking... "What the hell, something else is going on here I was not expecting" Also brain fog, jumbled words, and a few other annoyances that have come up over the years go away. My delicate insecure nature goes and is replaced with clean- cut assertive masculine speech and decision-making. Libido and strength and sensitivity of erections is dramatic just like when I was 17/18. My strange pale look is replaced gradually with melanin giving me a uniform light tan, again like I was 18. NOT COMPLAINING.
These effects persist but fade a bit until Day 12 when something awful happens. I stop putting on gains at gym and am instead losing weight, appetite goes back to normal, libido goes lower than when I started, I stop retaining as much water (which I liked), My face starts looking pale, puffy and fat, like there is too much fat in my cheeks, however breast tissue is normal. Start feeling really sad and insecure, instead of assertive and confident. Acquired sense of lightness and wellbeing quickly dissapates. People start socialising less with me, and can't make sense of my jumbled words, I start to look freakishly thin and pale again.
WHAT THE HELL? Ok so I go on steroids, unexpectedly start looking like a hot 18/19 year old version of myself for two weeks, then crash to worse than before, with NO ANABOLIC EFFECTS IN MY BODY DESPITE DOSAGES!!!
MY THEORY: That when I was 19/20 I developed hypogonadism either partial or whatever for some reason. That starting anabolic steroids somehow created a rapid HRT effect. and somehow my body has nutrilized this.....? Is it not too soon for estrogen to be too high? Could I have made so much Sex-hormone-binding-globulin that it is eating up my anabolic testosterone. Did the testosterone have an intense initial anabolic effecct in my muscle, skin tissues etc... and then change to a lot of DHT thereby removing anabolic effects? And if this was the case why are erectile problems appearing? Coz surely excess DHT would be good for genitals.
I have considered DECA DICK, and the fact DECA is aromatized to a weak androgen which can displace DHT in the penile tissue, however this problem along would not explain loss of anabolism. Oh and the blood vessels popping out, and the transient pink all over glow has vanished, and even the brown/yellow pigment appearing in my skin has quickly dissipated to....
I want to know what people's opinions are behind the biology going on here? if these changes have happened to anybody else, if it is a phenomenon of a first cycle. The thing that scares me is that despite a high does of anabolic steroids in my system I am losing mass, appetite and vascularity which makes no sense! Still performing well though in gym with little pain and recovery period, so have upped weights considerably.
FACT IS that i want to get the anabolism back, and whatever created those unexpected welcome changes to! I am currently awaiting broad-spectrum endocrine tests, however in the meantime I want to discuss this matter as I can't make sense of it scientifically.
Decided it was time to go on a first cycle, so I researched it for a few months. It was unanimously agreed that my 1st cycle be Deca + Sustanon every 4 days with 250mg Sus and 300mg Deca on each injection every four days. I was not happy with the decision for Deca so I instead settled on 200mg every four days with original amount of SUS.
Day 2 after 1st injection : appetite goes through roof, I eat more, and quickly put on muscle and fat in good places very quickly and by day 4 this was very noticeable. Water noticeably infuses tissues, and is felt in lightness of knees. By day 4 performance when jogging up the hill to work in morning is noticeably less of a pain. Impressed considering additional hardcore training had not yet started whilst I watched for initial effects of hormones in system.
Day 7: Ok 7 days after 1st and 3 days after 2nd injections. Despit putting on some weight I don't look much bigger, but when I strip I notice I am looking ripped, veins popping all over, and a flushed glow all over making me look pumped. Quality of facial skin dramatically improves as does brightness of eyes, and texture of hair. So much so I get a lot of admiring looks from strangers and people who usually don't even give a second glance. That has not happened since Iwas 18/19. I am thinking... "What the hell, something else is going on here I was not expecting" Also brain fog, jumbled words, and a few other annoyances that have come up over the years go away. My delicate insecure nature goes and is replaced with clean- cut assertive masculine speech and decision-making. Libido and strength and sensitivity of erections is dramatic just like when I was 17/18. My strange pale look is replaced gradually with melanin giving me a uniform light tan, again like I was 18. NOT COMPLAINING.
These effects persist but fade a bit until Day 12 when something awful happens. I stop putting on gains at gym and am instead losing weight, appetite goes back to normal, libido goes lower than when I started, I stop retaining as much water (which I liked), My face starts looking pale, puffy and fat, like there is too much fat in my cheeks, however breast tissue is normal. Start feeling really sad and insecure, instead of assertive and confident. Acquired sense of lightness and wellbeing quickly dissapates. People start socialising less with me, and can't make sense of my jumbled words, I start to look freakishly thin and pale again.
WHAT THE HELL? Ok so I go on steroids, unexpectedly start looking like a hot 18/19 year old version of myself for two weeks, then crash to worse than before, with NO ANABOLIC EFFECTS IN MY BODY DESPITE DOSAGES!!!
MY THEORY: That when I was 19/20 I developed hypogonadism either partial or whatever for some reason. That starting anabolic steroids somehow created a rapid HRT effect. and somehow my body has nutrilized this.....? Is it not too soon for estrogen to be too high? Could I have made so much Sex-hormone-binding-globulin that it is eating up my anabolic testosterone. Did the testosterone have an intense initial anabolic effecct in my muscle, skin tissues etc... and then change to a lot of DHT thereby removing anabolic effects? And if this was the case why are erectile problems appearing? Coz surely excess DHT would be good for genitals.
I have considered DECA DICK, and the fact DECA is aromatized to a weak androgen which can displace DHT in the penile tissue, however this problem along would not explain loss of anabolism. Oh and the blood vessels popping out, and the transient pink all over glow has vanished, and even the brown/yellow pigment appearing in my skin has quickly dissipated to....
I want to know what people's opinions are behind the biology going on here? if these changes have happened to anybody else, if it is a phenomenon of a first cycle. The thing that scares me is that despite a high does of anabolic steroids in my system I am losing mass, appetite and vascularity which makes no sense! Still performing well though in gym with little pain and recovery period, so have upped weights considerably.
FACT IS that i want to get the anabolism back, and whatever created those unexpected welcome changes to! I am currently awaiting broad-spectrum endocrine tests, however in the meantime I want to discuss this matter as I can't make sense of it scientifically.