King odyssey V.I.P. EF Logger Yesterday at 12:20 AM #51 25homes said: Should be good run here Click to expand... Thanks brother
King odyssey V.I.P. EF Logger Today at 4:33 AM #52 Legs Powered by @Raptor labs Adductor machine 1x12-15 2x10-12 85x15 85x10 80x12 Hamstring curl 2x12-15 1x15-20 85x16 85x12 60x13 Leg extensions banded 1x12-15 3 seconds eccentric 2 seconds hold 75x16 Hack squat 1x12-15 120x12 3 seconds eccentric and 1 second holds in weak as piss for this Single leg hammie curl 1x15-20 20x20 Leg press banded rest (pause set ) 1x12-15 360x12 Bulgarian split squats 1x15-20 3 seconds eccentrics and 1 second holds 52.5x16 Attachments IMG_6763.webp 205.2 KB · Views: 0 IMG_6762.webp 217.6 KB · Views: 0
Legs Powered by @Raptor labs Adductor machine 1x12-15 2x10-12 85x15 85x10 80x12 Hamstring curl 2x12-15 1x15-20 85x16 85x12 60x13 Leg extensions banded 1x12-15 3 seconds eccentric 2 seconds hold 75x16 Hack squat 1x12-15 120x12 3 seconds eccentric and 1 second holds in weak as piss for this Single leg hammie curl 1x15-20 20x20 Leg press banded rest (pause set ) 1x12-15 360x12 Bulgarian split squats 1x15-20 3 seconds eccentrics and 1 second holds 52.5x16