Yeah you are making some progress. Abs are surely getting more defined. Also lats are flaring making your arms come out further. Nice work and hope to see week three.
Week 3. Sorry still using shitty phone camera. This is a late at night pic so my stomach looks bloated because i just ate a shake and a feast of ameal afterwards. Still staying fairly lean. must eat more and change that!
I'm up to 221 somehow after starting at 195. Its been 15 days...... scary
Week 3. Sorry still using shitty phone camera. This is a late at night pic so my stomach looks bloated because i just ate a shake and a feast of ameal afterwards. Still staying fairly lean. must eat more and change that!
I'm up to 221 somehow after starting at 195. Its been 15 days...... scary
Took more pics today. Its really tough to see my progress in these pictures. You can tell I put on mass but you cant see nearly how much. My arms/traps/chest are much bigger as I've really been focusing them. My waist is also a bit bigger but all my pants still fit so its not much bigger it just looks alot more massive. My torso as a whole is just thickening up. I feel like a fucking tree trunk
Can also see my legs in the one picture here. Not flexing them and I swear I'm not grabbing my junk