OK guys here is the deal...I am fat and I know it.
My goal is to go from fat to fit, it is just one small letter change, but that letter means a change in my lifestyle.
What does this mean that I am going to be changing? First of all it will be the foods I eat; no more junk...I am going to eat clean. I know that I can do it and have been doing it for the past 2 weeks. Does this mean that I can not have a cheat day, of course not, but it does mean that the cheat day will not be every other day.
I know that you all will help keep me accountable with this and you already have, ahem...sarge, and I thank you in advance for it.
I am also working out regularly. I signed a long term contract to my local gym, so I have no excuse, and it continually comes out of the checking account, so that will always be a reminder. I want to find a routine that is good for my body, one that works my whole body in unison, not just iso exercises. Dead lifts, Squats, Power Cleans, Bench Press etc. I want these to be the cores of my routine along with cardio.
One of my goals is to be able to run the Chicago Marathon in under 4 hours, I know...bodybuilding and marathon running are totally different and train totally differently, but I feel if I weightlift and train cardio I will be able to achieve this goal.
Will it be easy? NO!
Do I want it....YES!
Will it hurt? YES!
Will I want to quit? Probably!
Will I make it though the mental frustration, pain and anguish? Only time will tell, but I want time to show me that YES I can do it.
I am sick of being the FAT guy.
I am sick of not being able to find clothes that fit (47in waist)
I am sick of not having energy. (this has not been the case for the past week though - lifting and a clean diet have given me energy)
I am ready to work and strive and struggle until I reach my goals.
I am ready for the pain.
I am ready for the triumph.
I know that it will be a slow process, but I am ready for the commitment.
All of you that have posted on my threads are fit bodybuilders; I appreciate your comments and help.
I hope you realize that this is a life change that I want.
I may go slow, but I am ready to learn.