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test cyp and anadrol cycle log.


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hi. im starting an anadrol and test cyp cycle log.
im keeping a log to help keep my motivation diet and training as strict as possible and for a reference point for other considering a similar cycle as i struggled to find a decent cycle log on similar cycle.
i will throw up some before pics very shortly, (once i figure out this damn camera).
my current stats beginning of this week are 190 lbs, at fairly low bodyfat not measured however so im not going to guess.
current max lifts are
squat : 220 kg proper powerlifting depth.
deadlift :250 kg no straps
bench :150 kg no pause on chest 145 with a pause on chest.

my cycle plan is as follows
week 1-2 50 mg anadrol daily
week 2-4 75 mg anadrol daily
week 5 100 mg anadrol daily

weeks 1-12 test cypionate 500 mg per week
auxilaries: nolvadex, milk thistle, multi vits, and glutamine throughout.

HCG weeks 1-12 500 ui week
week 13 150 mg clomid daily
week 14 100 mg clomid daily
weeks 14-16 50 mg clomid daily
weeks 12-16 10 iu slin per day (post workout) (i am aware of most peoples opinions on this drug however i absolutely love it, and it will help maintain some of the hard earned muscle post cycle)

4500 calories per day (may be upped if necessary depending on results and as weight goes up.)
30% protein 340 g protein
40% carbs 450 g carbs
30 % fat, mostly from flax seed oils and from fish (just love salmon)

if any of you guys have any input or CONSTRUCTIVE criticism feel free to comment.
i started first tablets and pins this morning so i will keep posted on results as they come.
i opted for nolva mostly for the effects of the oxy's,cause theyre a dht derivative they dont aromatise, if i have it right its the oxy's themselves that effect the estrogen receptors directly (at least thats the theory.) so an aromatase inhibitor wouldnt do much use, which is why i opted for the nolva being a SERM they directly effect the binding ability of the estrogen receptors.
i think an AI would be a better choice for the estrogen from test aromatising but i am one of the very lucky people who arent particularly prone to gyno problems from test especially on only 500 mg of test, so im happy enough to take the extra water retention. (while looking like a muscley marshmallow man).
do you think i would be better incorporating an AI as well during the cycle, i have never run drol before so i am well and truly open to any advice you guys have here. i have some proviron left over from a previous cycle so i could throw some of that in at 50 mg per day if you think that would help much, or would be necessary.
im glad you guys like the cycle lay out im really excited to get into full swing of things on this cycle. i have noticed very slight increase in puffiness around my legs and face, and vascularity is reducing a little already.
have any of you guys ever run a similar cycle?? results??
prop and a50's put on like 16lbs in 4wks come off and lost about 12lbs lol all water tho piss like a cammel for about a week. only used 50mg anadrol tho so 150mg will add a lot more. anadrol has no estro sides all prog? i too am very lucky with test and tits lol
1000mg has not itched my tits at all.
i opted for nolva mostly for the effects of the oxy's,cause theyre a dht derivative they dont aromatise, if i have it right its the oxy's themselves that effect the estrogen receptors directly (at least thats the theory.) so an aromatase inhibitor wouldnt do much use, which is why i opted for the nolva being a SERM they directly effect the binding ability of the estrogen receptors.
i think an AI would be a better choice for the estrogen from test aromatising but i am one of the very lucky people who arent particularly prone to gyno problems from test especially on only 500 mg of test, so im happy enough to take the extra water retention. (while looking like a muscley marshmallow man).
do you think i would be better incorporating an AI as well during the cycle, i have never run drol before so i am well and truly open to any advice you guys have here. i have some proviron left over from a previous cycle so i could throw some of that in at 50 mg per day if you think that would help much, or would be necessary.
im glad you guys like the cycle lay out im really excited to get into full swing of things on this cycle. i have noticed very slight increase in puffiness around my legs and face, and vascularity is reducing a little already.
have any of you guys ever run a similar cycle?? results??

I ran 750 mg test e ew
with 100 mg abombs ed

Used nolva like u're going to after my nipples got puffy.

I have to say that this was the cycle i held most water on ever. I felt like i was carrying Lake Michigan around. It was probably also one o the best strengthbuilders i ever did. I didn't like it due to all that water tho. Abombs is one compound i'm not going to touch again.

I do hope it will be better for u tho. Keep us posted.
thanks for the input rambleon how does the water retention on a bombs and test compare to test alone, i have ran test ent and dbol with nolva before and held surprising little water for the cycle, again only 500 mg test and 30 mg dbol per day.
just back from training back and tri's. strength was up a little mostly on my rows and chins probably a placebo effect but strength increase is strength increases. though im not sure how the chins are going to fare over the enxt few weeks if the water retention is as heavy as im led to beleive and the massive weight increases off the oxy's. will be interesting to keep an eye on. pump in triceps especially was incredible, i couldnt even wash my face after the gym.
still working on getting them before cycle pics up. willge them shortly.
nipples felt little sore today so started my nolva, a little earlier than i had expected, much too early for the test to be building much any appreciable amounts of estrogen so its definately the oxys. feeling a little fuller this morning, so much so that i cant touch my right shoulder with my right thumb without a lot of difficulty, got a similar effect off of tren though. look a little heavier, and again less vascularity, will weigh once a week only to keep an eye on results.
diet was ok today, but suffering like hell with hayfever. hopefully wont efect too much tomorrow for shoulders and trapz.
jimmy, the efects of oxy's if i remember right, arent to do with progesterone either. as far as i know its the oxymetholone itself. it actually interacts with the estrogen receptors without actually aromatizing or changing in any way. thats the most plausible explanation i have heard for it anyways. its a dht derivative so it cant aromatise, but with the water retention and sore nipples, i dont think any lifter in the world will argue the estrogenic effects of it.
keep yas posted.
hello again.
im looking a little heavier todaty and agression is definately up. good during training, not good during work.
was training shoulders today, most of the workout went well, until shoulder presses came up, my training partner was lifting the dumbell up for me during the warm ups. but kind dropped the weight on my right arm instead of setting it down and pushed my shoulder back a little, but enough to hear a nice pop, i stopped pressing, did a few light lateral raises but stopped after 2 sets cause of niggling pain and called it a day. rotator cuff feels a little sore now. little pissed, will ice and rest of for a while, hopefully will be good to go by shoulder day next week, chest day may have 2 be cancelled this week to be on the safe side as well. not a great way to kick start the cycle, but i suppose we injuries are part of the game. just time off training feels like a waste of gear, never know maybe the increased water in the joints from the oxy's, and the recovery ability from them. heres hoping.
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