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Approved Log Trt and Blast cycle Log

I need the cardio for Martial skills. The conditioning helps to generate more speed and explosiveness. Your absolutely right, I don't need the cardio for fat loss. But the endurance allows me to train longer, that and the EQ DEFINITELY HELPS. I I'll ike

The short time I trained for looks or cutting weight, I logged everything with an app. EVERYTHING, and the results were phenomenal. The strength wasn't as much as when I was just eating and training though.

Trust Me I get everything your saying.
keep up the good work I think you have a good head on your shoulders
you'll be fine taking four to five weeks off of the gear and then getting the blood work done
your doctor isn't stupid she probably will know you're on steroids but who cares as long as you get the script
your diet is very impressive considering your way from home so much
EQ is one of the best for your goals for sure
definitely post up some pictures we want to get an idea of your training
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