well i just turned 21 back in january......... i still consider myself more on par with you guys than i do the big boys.
i have only been powerlifting for 27 weeks......... i was bodybuilding and competing in that for a year and a half.
i am currently 265lbs @ 5'10.
i lift raw, drug free, and with no supplements:
i have a 350 plus lb bench
i have a 500 plus lb squat
and a 425 plus lb deadlift
max effort highlights:
i have done a close grip 315lb bench on decline with a pause
a 405 pause box squat of a 2 inch below parallel box with no belt or knee wraps
dynamic day highlights:
i work out for 10 sets of 2 on box squats off of a milk crate with 225lbs with the strong bands on for a total of 425lbs at the top resting on 45 seconds inbetween sets.
and 10 sets of 3 bench with 215lbs resting on 30 seconds inbetween sets.
im happy with were i am out......... but no where near satisfied.
i walk in the gym everyday with the attitude that i am stronger than i was the day before........ it has helped me a lot.