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SteelWeaver said:
About what percentage of DL sets do you spend on partials? I've never done them - I like the full-range move, but I want to try things out. Do you use low reps on these? Throw in a couple of sets after full deads?
I don't think I could train deadlift on a SLDL platform without sacrificing weight on the lift. Would you plan on re-racking the weight at failure?
I LOVE pin pulls! I don't do them on the same day (or week) that I deadlift. It's more of a pure back exercise, so I will do them for primary back day in a week that I don't do deadlifts (and do perform squats).
I do pin pulls more than I do deads from the floor anymore. The overload is different and you can go pretty darn heavy on them. It also allows me to squat in the same week and maintain max intensity on both lifts.
I don't train DL or pin pulls every week.
I do keep the reps low, generally around sets of 6, with the occasional double or triple if I'm feeling spry.
Set the power rack with the pins about knee level; you want the bar to make contact just above the knee. Set the feet about shoulder width (or whatever is comfortable), start with the bar against your legs, shoulders behind the bar and lever the bar up, maintaing contact with the thighs on both the positive and negative. I use an over-under grip and strap on sets above 500.
You will be able to go quite a bit heavier (fun!) than DLs when you get used to them. Great way to fry the upper body (back especially) and a little bit of legs, while leaving you fresh enough to toast legs later/earlier in the week.
I'll usually do 3 warmups and 4 to 5 work sets on this lift.