as i recall, seal training starts off at abour 2 miles a day. few days a week and progresses from there. The warning order is pretty intense in the later weeks. Perhaps heavy squats in combination with running, swimming, and just overall fatigue of the body is taken its toll. Id say focus on the SEAL primarily, perhaps you can add some extra calestheitics, maybe some weight less squats, frog hopping, extra sprints etc. Stick with the SEAL training, after the 16 weeks, do whatever. week 16 i think is like 20 sets of 20 pushups, 20 sets of 20 situps, 6 sets 10 pullups, then like 20 sets 20 dips MWF. Running is like 6 miles 6 days a week. swimming is like 6 days a week 75 minutes a day. Forget about squatting. I guess it all depends on what you want to do. Maybe just think about how much time you have on your hands, work, school etc. Personally I have only done till week 7 i think. I was feeling good, getting bigger and more defined, granted you will not reach great mass with this program. But you will be cut and your endurance will be awesome. just depends on your priorities. For me i would like to take it to the weights, new to the weights for the most part, wouild like to give that a try. wanna be big.