- 30 g Whey Protein Isolate Cold-Filtration
- 7 eggs (one yolk) w/ spinach & mushrooms
1/2 cup oats w/ several blueberries
- 2 servings Chobani (0%) w/ xtend
- 3 grilled 99% lean Turkey burgers (onion & mushrooms), spinach
- Two turkey meatballs w/ 1 egg, 4 whites
- 3/4 cup oats w/ blueberries
-(1 hr pre): protein shake (25 g:WPI & 25g: 33.3% of ea. WPI, Micellar Casein, Egg white)
TRAIN (Back/Bis/abs/Cardio) - xtend intra
-Immediately Post: protein shake (25 g:WPI & 25g: 33.3% of ea. WPI, Micellar Casein, Egg white) & 4 Glutamine Power Chews
- 3 egg whites, 2 grilled chicken breasts w/ spinach
- Filet of Tilapia w/ mushrooms
- 2 scoops of protein (WPI, Micellar Casein, Egg white)
Training (Back/Bis)
-2 mile Treadmill-
- wide grip lat pulldowns (120, 140, 180, 180*ds) & One arm low cable rows (45, 55, 65, 75)*Neg
-One arm t-bar row (75, 75, 75, 75)*Failure & DB shrugs (80, 85, 90, 90)*Failure
- DLs (225, 275, 225)
- One arm plate loaded row (135, 160, 160)*failure
- (5) Low back extensions holding 45 pound plate & kettle bell curls
- EZ bar curl (80, 80, 80)*Failure & db hammer curls (35, 35, 35)
- EZ bar cable curls (2)*Neg & One arm cable curls (2)*Failure
- Reverse grip cable curls (4) & One arm reverse grip (4)
-3 mile Treadmill-
-150 cals on Stepmill-
*DS = Drop set
*Neg = 5 sec negatives, rep till failure
*Failure = rep till failure
Hey everyone, just wanted to give you guys a quick update:
Had a really solid day today.. felt like the diet was real clean & on point. Training felt amazing today.. real intense pumps and vascularity so pretty excited to see what starts happening when everything starts taking full effect. Was freaking drenched in sweat by the time i was done with the sets of my back workout..even popped a blood vessel in one of my bis. Really happy with everything so far.. Advice is always appreciated so let me know if anyone has any suggestions.