Hope everyone is doing well, just wanted to fill you guys in on the first day of the new stack - Everything was really great! Diet was on point (although I felt as though I consumed quite a bit a food today.. but as you can see below, I keep it very clean). The gym was fantastic.. had a nice sweat going after the first set of cardio and by the time i left the gym I was drenched... Really pushed hard today & felt like I could have kept going! Maybe its due to the excitement of just starting up sarms (or perhaps the GW) but I was killin it in there.
- 30 g Whey Protein Isolate Cold-Filtration
- 8 eggs (one yolk) w/ onion, spinach
1/2 cup oats w/ several blueberries
- 1.5 servings Chobani (0%) w/ quarter grapefruit & xtend
- 2 hard-boiled egg whites, Spinach, 2 grilled 99% lean Turkey burgers (onion & mushrooms)
- Ground turkey meat (1 meatball) cooked w/ 5 egg-whites
- Pre workout (1:15 before): 1/2 c oats w/ several blueberries
(1 hr): protein shake (25 g:WPI & 25g: 33.3% of ea. WPI, Micellar Casein, Egg white)
TRAIN (Chest/Tris/Abs/Cardio) - xtend intra
-Immediately Post: protein shake (25 g:WPI & 25g: 33.3% of ea. WPI, Micellar Casein, Egg white) & 4 Glutamine Power Chews
- 4 egg whites
- 3 grilled 99% lean Turkey burgers (onion & mushrooms), spinach, Chobani 0% w/ xtend
- snacked on 2 egg whites & several strips of chicken I grilled for the week
- 2 scoops of protein (WPI, Micellar Casein, Egg white)
Training (Chest/Tris)
-1.75 mile Treadmill-
- Flat DB press ( Warm up 45, 55, 65, 75, 85, 85*DS)
- Plate Incline machine press (90, 140, 180*DS)*Neg
- Cable flys (27, 30, 33, 33, 27, 27)*Failure
- 2: Dips & overhead one-arm db extensions (35,35)
- 3: Reverse Grip pds (press downs) & one-arm pds (cables)
- 3: rope pds & reverse grip one-arm pds
- 3: cable kick backs & rope pds *Neg
-3.50 mile Treadmill-
-150 calls on Stepmill-
*DS = Drop set
*Neg = 5 sec negatives, rep till failure
*Failure = rep till failure