I was wondering how you feel about Mike Mentzer and his philosophy about training. In my opinion, Mentzer was more than a little dogmatic about his views on training. He saw everything very black and white with very little room for deviation from his system. This is unfortunate because there are so many useful tools for training and to be locked into only one aspect really limits one's potential for success.
Personally I do not think he understood much of the science of training either. You see his much promoted system H.I.T. (high-intensity training) really was far from being what the name implies. Intensity refers to how close one trains to their maximum force production or 1 RM. The H.I.T. system mainly refers to going to concentric failure. Many trainers take this as working harder than anyone else. Funny though, I don't know of any system that promotes not working hard. Sometimes failure is necessary, sometimes it is not.
Every system of training claims to have all the answers to your training needs, however, every system has advantages and disadvantages. In fact, there is no great mystery of putting on muscle mass. Increased hypertrophy is a direct result of how much work is done within a period of time, the more work, the more protein degradation and rebuilding will occur. Is anyone a big believer in HIT.
Personally I do not think he understood much of the science of training either. You see his much promoted system H.I.T. (high-intensity training) really was far from being what the name implies. Intensity refers to how close one trains to their maximum force production or 1 RM. The H.I.T. system mainly refers to going to concentric failure. Many trainers take this as working harder than anyone else. Funny though, I don't know of any system that promotes not working hard. Sometimes failure is necessary, sometimes it is not.
Every system of training claims to have all the answers to your training needs, however, every system has advantages and disadvantages. In fact, there is no great mystery of putting on muscle mass. Increased hypertrophy is a direct result of how much work is done within a period of time, the more work, the more protein degradation and rebuilding will occur. Is anyone a big believer in HIT.