When you find something that seems to be working, in terms of diet, post it up so i can see, if you dont mind. I am planning to cut come spring time and i have never done it before.
today i got my food. 3 bags of boneless, skinless chicken breasts w/ 46g protein each one, a bag of fish filets, some beef, skim milk, over 8 cans of tuna. there's oatmeal here too, also bananas. am i missing anything?
good luck with your cutting period!
given your age I'd rather stay with basic clean diet, rather than using hydroxycut. if you'd like suggestions post your diet
yeah that was a sarcastic comment about the hydroxy cut.
Sorry i guess it didnt relay through the computer screen too well
plus the hydroxycut up here, is all herbal garbage well not that green tea extract exactly sucks but...you know what i mean...(ephedrine is illeagle in canada) due to it screwing with peoples hearts, i wouldnt do that shit anyway, i'd rather live longer than lose a couple of LBS.
so whats your training regimen like?
details details, I'm planning on going on a cutting phase in 2 more months, gonna be my first in a long ass time, hook up some tips bro.
some guy on the diet board is helping me set up a CKD diet. the training goes along with the diet. there's a whole thread, couple pages long over there. pretty interesting i think. go read it if you have time
well the diet part wasnt too hard to follow today. i still need more fat though. i'm at 95.5g so far and i need 279!!
training went horrible. i bench over 300 but i couldnt even do 155 for 15! thats a hell of a lot of volume too. this coupled with the circuit training on the last day leads me to believe this is a machine/cable training program that the CKD guys have outlined for me.
so today all i did was:
bench: 155x12x2x1=15 reps, 160x6!!
*got pooped out here and was getting pretty pissed off. i decided to do some stuff that i know i could do.
incline bench: 135x8
flyes: 20lbs x 10
'rack' deads (off bench) 225x5x5sets
yates rows: 155x5x5 sets
the program they have outlined is too much volume for me, and maybe it wouldnt be if i was using machines. you'll never catch me doing that though. HST sounds good to me. in and out and it works.