jimi3times said:
whatta ya think the cum play is all about?
Not exactly knowing specifics I'd say it's still the naughty factor.
Have her kneel down and suck you just like she sucked off the guy's in your dream, and tell her that is what she's doing. She's pretending she's sucking off some stranger while you were watching her. Give her the facial, then help her by wiping your cum into her mouth with your cawk & fingers. Have her lick off the rest from your fingers even. Don't let her stop with the blowjob; It didn't end there in your dream. Have her get you hard again, then fuck her till you fill her. Then pull out and have her clean it up. You'll need to explore the naughty slut/ swinger thing a little to see what trips the trigger. It may be the messy, she's expected to play in the cum idea, or it may be she's excited by the idea of multiple guys, multiple cum loads, your willingness to get nasty with her, ??
Women are way more cerebral about sex than guys. Whatever turns her on about this scenario is now not just in her head but you've brought ( or are bringing) it out in real life. Maybe she's excited by light S&M play and feeling a little used. You'll have to give some info on her reactions or actions so far. Does she seem more interested in you and another guy gettin' freaky? Or what is she showing the most interest in?
I had a GF that seemed really conservative at first. One night we were walking back to my truck across the parking lot of the club, she was running her mouth and so was I. She mouthed off and I said "suck my dick" to which she responded with "here & now?" so I said yes. She thought she'd call my bluff and dropped to her knees. I pulled it out and fed it to her. She went at it with a zeal I had yet to see. I didn't realize it at the time but I was grabbing her by the hair and face fuckin her. I blew my load quicker than I ever had and she stood up wiping her mouth off giggling. She even recieved some applause from some of the other patrons. It blew me away! From then on I found that the crazier the antics the crazier the sex! Hair pullin', biting, ass smackin', porn star sex was the norm for us.