The little snitch bastard at your work is going to find himself all alone. I've seen it first hand in several different jobs. There's always that one person who takes it upon themself to be the "star" employee. How do they do it? By following each rule to the T and blabbing everything they see to the boss. What comes first is the co-workers start to hate that person. They see his nose turning brown and see through his bullshit act of I'm so perfect. Now the only friend the star has is the boss. Over time, the boss will start to hate him too because he's sick of hearing every little goddamn tattle. Now the star is all alone because nobody likes him and no one will talk to him. You see it in his face as depression sets in.
Is stealing wrong? Yes. Do people do it? Yes. How many laws does the average poster on this board break per day? There is always going to be waste in a business. Be it theft, poor job performance, misuse of company assets, etc. A business is only as good as the management. They are allowing waste and theft to occur. Either you can stop stealing or they can stop you (or others) by firing. Personally, I'd keep stealing. Just be smarter about it.
It sounds like you're stuck in a shit job MM. I've had some of those. They don't know or care about anyone or anything. I've cleaned out several places I've worked at. Is that right? No. But it sure felt good! I think it's more of a revenge thing for some people. Kinda like, you're shitting on me, so I'm gonna fuck you back.
MM, you know who the enemy is. He'll be all alone and depressed soon. He's going to get no where at that place acting like that. Find yourself a better job, but in the mean time, just have "fun" at work