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dullboy said:dullboy expects his karma to go straight to zero, but is willing to take that chance by saying that you sound like a collective bunch of sissies.
dullboy thinks it may have been better in the old days where if someone slighted you or offended your honor, you could challenge them a duel.
there are too many guys today who think (i guess rightfully so...) that they can say or do anything they want to another man and suffer no consequence.
perfect strangers feel perfectly safe giving dullboy the finger or telling dullboy to go fuck himself because they don't like the way he drives or that he takes too long at the ATM machine. dullboy bets if they got smacked in the face just once, they wouldn't be so rude in the future to other people.
dullboy blames this whole mess on lawyers, the biggest pussy class of weasels ever known to mankind.
all better now.
Anybody whose post even implies following Shakespeare's advice (first, kill all the lawyers) gets postive K from me.