Is it the stronglifts 5x5 you're doing GJ? I did it for 4 months before I did my hammy exactly as it was written and was too blasted to do any sort of isolation exercises after the main lifts.
Don't remember the exact excersizes but it was prety much like I explained. Youtube it, I think it was youtube I saw it on, if not then google it. I would link you to it but my flash player on my laptop is fawked up
If it were me I would do and stick with the SL 5x5. Easy, and works extremely well. Whats not to like about it.
Bro you need to discipline yourself to decide what your gonna do and then stick with it. If you jump from program to program your not gonna get the benefit of any of them.
So make your choice and stick with it for the duration of the allocated time.
Good luck man.
Yeah man I'm all over the map eh , I was thinking the same thing .. I'm gonna stick to this program but just focus on the compound movements mainly cause my back can't handle doing back and squats 3 times a week man,
Good choice.
Something else to keep in mind.
Until your strong the ISOs are a waste of time man.
You have to have the strength first so that you can move some weight when your doing the ISO movements.
So focus on the compound lifts just like you said.
I would suggest doing that for the next 12 months. Then when your big and strong move into some ISO work.
Then you will get the real benefit from it.
Good luck bro.