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Diesel/Katana/Forma log


New member
Any advice or constructive citizim is appreciated and wanted, thanks.

Trying to gain some size, that being said i still want to loose BF also.

Started training April 1st,2012 176lbs, after not going to the gym in like 10-11yrs i cant really remember i'm 31 now. Before i had been scouted for football to go down south "U.S", but was told to put on some size and that's why i started BB. My cousin did a bunch of Strongman competitions and was a big insipration at the time he was like 6'2 320+ so i always trained heavy when i was younger and got pretty strong. Anywho i ended up working too much and going to the gym and got out of football. Eventually i got a job at the gym/tanning studio, thanks to my cousin. Not until then i started to pay attention at the gym and met up with alot of guys who won the Provincials and Canadians etc. We ended up becoming great friends even though some of them were anywhere between 6-15yrs older. Needless to say we went out a lot and after being mixed up with the wrong crowd for years i figured i had to make a decision soon as partying was taking over my life it was nuts. So on my 21st birthday i didn't go out because i wasn't feeling good and even went to bed at like 9:30 wtf, i woke up in a sweat dizzy as fuck and managed to get to the bathroom only to puke up a shit load of blood. I went to the emergency and got scopped and they couldn't see anything. This continued for months some days i couldn't even get water down without throwing up, i got scopped probably like 7 times seen a bunch of specialists and still nothing tried everything as far as stomach meds go for ulcers or bact infection. Ended up going down to 154lbs just sick looking bagged out shit.

Week1-May 7
-194 to 200- diesel 2 a day/katana 200mg/forma 5 pumps noticed a big difference in strength as everytime im doing way more reps with the same weight. Sorry i didn't think i was going to do a log until now i dont have any start pics just of week6 or 2 of ph cycle

- Got some advice from Dylangemelli, and will put it to good use. My dosages where fucked up as this is the first ph cycle and had no idea how to run them. Pct was worse than my cycle so he gave me a plan, and thats what im going to do. I have s4's and osta for my rats coming soon im pretty excited. Then Hella/Katana/Forma afterwards. Thanks a bunch Dylan.

Week2-May 15,2012
-Legs squat machine 5 plates 450x10 felt strong all day small joint pains though-look into joint formula's.I'm switching my main exercise every 5-7 workouts.My feet are so swollen by the end of the day im lke Martin Short from pure luck. Pretty bad diet past 3 days im just eating everything as my appetite is through the roof. Holding a shit load of water i think, wieght is 206lbs. Im going to cut out the pb/honey sandwiches, boohooo and cereal i ate a box in one day Special K my ass loves you. The bad thing is that my carbs are thru the roof since im trying to finish a 15lb bag of Mutant Mass, or as i like to call it Mutant Ass as i get such bad gas/bloat my dog looks at me and leaves the room. I only have one more day of C20 which is great cause i won't use it again ill try to find clen next time or one of the new ntbm fat burners, ah yah scratch the clen ntbm definetly. C20 i think worked but there were days i felt like complete shit i noticed it really hardens you up,but my skin was so damn dry no matter how much water i drank my fingers were cracking looks like i have rhino skin on my hand just the tips and the top knuckles. I've worked construction for years and on the farm so my hands are always rough and weathered but this is nuts.Wow just noticed how pale i am.LOL
Starting Cardio 30min on the Bowflex treadclimber moderate pace May 16.

Week2-May16 2012
Excited to hit the gym im going to do my cardio tonight.
Diesel 2 a day for 4w maybe 5w i'll see
Katana 350/400/400/400/450/450/450
Forma stopping for 2weeks as i was using it 5 pumps once a day for the first week starting half way in cycle.

clomid 25/12.5/12.5/12.5-getting today
Unleashed-still need to order
Forged PCT-got
Lean xtreme-still need to get
Need2slin-still need to order
Creatine nitrate "i'll finish my kre-alk until pct" ordered
other goodies to follow.

I'll try to get a photo or 2 up.
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I've been doing moderate low carbs, high protein low fat until my body feels weird and all weak then i throw a bunch of carbs and fats but keep the protein high then keep repeating. Well i just had my first day cardio in forever lol, I ended up doing 45min instead of 30min. I can't believe how damn tired. Started using Humapro so i'll see how this one goes, i've heard mixed reviews on this one. I've noticed some crazy dreams lately probably from the Gaba and ZMA before bed, i'm not complaining I actually enjoy them.

Here's the supps im currently taking

Multi's -Gaspari
kre-alk creat -All AmerX
glutamine -PrimaForce
8-5lb tubs of protein mixed-iso/mixed/cas -BSN/Dynamatize/Bio-X/ALR
Liver Armour -CTD
Fish oils - Webber
Compound 20 -USP LABS "won't buy again"
Hyper FX -BSN
Hica Max -Labrada "got them for dirt, and wont get again"
Beta ala -PrimaForce
CITRULLINE MALATE -PrimaForce "damn sour shit its like disolving a warhead candy in your drink if anyone knows what i;m talking about"
Gaba -Dynamatize
ZMA -PrimaForce
Raspberry Keytones -Canadian Protein
CLA -PrimaForce

I'm also using Ameridex on cycle.

Already doing research on my next supp orders I've got a bunch of NTBM products on the list though. How is the taste on the NTBM Protein powders?
This was taken on May 15,2012 206lbs lots of water i felt like a bloated pig trying to tie my shoes. Since i cut back on carbs and did cardio i noticed my feet aren't as swollen.
Did u say u've only been back in the gym for a month after being off for 10 yrs? Well a month and a half now.

Sent from my htc t-bolt using the elitefitness app.
Dude, GTFO. Are you serious? All you are going to do is fuck your shoulders up. You gotta condition yourself before you start putting on strength super fast. You'll be getting beginner strength gains plus PH strength gains and you are gonna mess yourself up. Plus, if you are using the PH's as a crutch right now, which you ARE, as soon as you are done, you'll quit working out. I'm not normally rude but damn...

Then again, I shouldn't be rude. At least you put pics up and are honest, unlike half the guys coming in here at 6'0", 220 and 9% body fat without a pic. Just trying to save you some pain and injury, and make you make it a lifestyle and not a QUICK fix/change.
Wasnt sure if I read your history right but yeah this ^^^^

I would at a min consider dropping the diesel if u havent lifted in ten yrs and jumped right into a diesel cycle and are having joint pain. Ur joints are basically fresh to lifting and theyll struggle keepin up with the strength increases.

Sent from my htc t-bolt using the elitefitness app.
Yes i'm on my 6th week. I'm active at work all the time as i don't have an office job so im on the go working construction er well not the last few weeks though im waiting for a money job to start. As far as my strength I've always been really strong i guess the farm work. I'm not doing anything stupid for example the last chest work out bench press i did 95lbsx30 135x25 185x23 then a bunch of drop sets i only try to go a lil lower on reps for my legs because it seems to work better but the lowest ill go is 10.Normal rep range is 12-25. I don't ego train and i've done that power lifting bs before and learnt my lesson. This is not a quick fix yes it's a life style. Thank you for your input though.
the danger i'm more concerned with then what was said above was your tendons and ligaments... you will probably put on muscle cause of your muscle memory very fast.. but your ligaments and tendons will lag bigtime.

this is something real you have to accept cause it happened to me when i got back into running after a long layoff. when i came back i improved so fast but my body wasn't ready for it and i ended up injuring myself to the point where i had to quit running. now with running roids its gonna be 100X worse. be careful thats all i will tell you as i don't want to beat a dead horse
Ok thanks yah i had joint pain for like 2-3 days but haven't had any since. If i get anything in the next few days ill get off the Diesel. Beat that dead horse!! im here to learn not be ignorant I didn't really think about it like that. I wonder if its cause of my bad diet those days as i was very swollen. Any suggestions on how to improve joint strength since you've been down this path before? Thanks guys I will take your advice. I just didn't want to leave the impression all i do is strength training on the first day and jumped on a ph cycle that's all. As i've mention im new to ph's.
Hey bro Im putting your log in here as I think you will get much better help and insight from this crowd.
Your jumping into an awful lot right up you do need to be careful of injury. As my good bro steve said your connective tissues are taking a hell of a beating. IMO for your first month or 2 back at it I would go with ALL light weights. Let you bod get a little bit used to stress before you begin to pile on the weight.
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