Thanks Zed, yah im going to clean myself up and do this right. As i've mentioned before i'm not pig headed and ask for advice and do the opposite of what you say I want to learn. I'll try to post my specifics as work-out schedule and diet tonight. Even though i didn't go the the gym for years i did err...anyone of age don't get offended "old man workouts" daily. IE. wake up and do squats with own body weight as many as i could, then push-ups, crunches. I have a set of 10lb and 15lb dumbells where i would do one set each bodypart to failure. Shoulder press,dumbell curls,shrugs,tri-extensions,rows,good morning's etc. My main concern is form and reps not weight. I did do an hour of cardio on the treadclimber, wow did i sweat like there wasn't even an inch of my shirt dry.
On a side note we "gf and i" just got in from picking up a new car for her we got a wicked deal on a ford escape. Damn i'm jealous on how good it drove, as im used to my 92'RHD LandCruiser AKA 4-legged Assassin.
On a side note we "gf and i" just got in from picking up a new car for her we got a wicked deal on a ford escape. Damn i'm jealous on how good it drove, as im used to my 92'RHD LandCruiser AKA 4-legged Assassin.