Hello Ladies. I'm currently trying to help my mother loose weight. She works her ass off in the gym and can't seem to achieve the results shes looking for. I was wondering what the general consesus was on using dextrose/maltodextrose for post workout supplementation in women??? My expertise falls in dieting, but I'd love to know what all of you think about the following...
Below is the diet I plan on having her on the first 2 weeks:
Meal 1: 5 eggwhites + 1/2 cup oatmeal with splenda and cinnamon
Meal 2 (PWo): 15 grams dextrose + 15 grams maltodextrin + 30 grams whey
Meal 3: 1/2 cup brown rice + chicken breast
Meal 4: Salad with Chick, vegatables, olive oil/vinager
Meal 5: 1/2 cup cottage cheese + tbsp ANPB + TBSP Flax
My mother is almost 50 years old. She is going through menopause. She is 6'0" and 180 pounds. Thanks for the help.