Ten rep phase - workout 6 of 6
I didn't have much time friday so I split the workout over two days
Squat 135x5, x5, x5, 225x5, 315x3, x10, x10
-Got 'em
Pretty much drama-free, but the last set had two rest-pauses of 3 or 4 seconds. I shaved my head last week and it looked like a red light bulb in the mirror halfway through the set
Sumo deads 225x5, x5, 315x3
-I really think I should start doing these. My knees still want to come together on squats and these deads really seem to work the adductors.
Deads 315x5, 365 x1, 425xfail
-pretty beat by this point. No biggie.
Warmed up w/ light front squats and power cleans
Standing OHP 135x4, 145x10, x10
-Last rep of set two was a push-press
BB rows 185x3, x10, x10
-Had to rest-pause around rep eight of set two
Pullups BWx7
-grip limited :anger: Probably coulda done eight w/ straps
Dips BWx5, x5, (BW+75)x9, (BW+75)x7
-Failed halfway through rep eight of set two. I've been thinking that these are superior to bench as an upper body movement - just look at the loading difference. Total weight on these was 315 pounds; there's no chance I could hit 315 for nine on bench.
Power cleans 135x3x3, 185x3x3, 205x1, 225x1, x1
-Fun. Form is coming along nicely but racking it perfectly is a bit tough - I still have to adjust it a bit to get it perfect,