I’m just doing 2.5iu first thing in the am and am taking a small bit of added eod. Once I start the test /eq I’m running 25mg mason e3d as I will be taking a larger dose. I’m glad I got my bloods on here as I promised prior to my cycle. I’ll be touching base with Steve for final fine tuning, I really am looking forward to this cycle and planning it all out makes all the difference for me. I had wanted to ru. Some tie teen and sust and pin e3d but I felt the heat would bring misery and suffering combined with the humidity of TN.The way I look at it is if I get gyno I will pay and get it removed. I am sure I have some under all the fat, but I dont have any signs of itching or lumps yet. I think as long as you keep doses low you dont need to worry too much but make sure and have aromasin on hand. I am using 10mg EOD just to make sure since I have upped my test dose from 300 to 450mg while dropping masteron from 300 to 200mg.
I sure appreciate the feedback and help, I really feel that the lower rep voume half the week is going to really pay off, thank you for that awesome advice.