Okay, so I’m almost embarrassed to put up the videos. No matter what, I’m going down to 125lb next workout, and make my way up again. Just unbelievable, my form sucks dick. I GM when it’s hard to get up, and I’m not coming up smoothly. Reason I want to bring it down, is the weight will be light, and I will be able to work on my form more, than I can gradually make my way up again, and not do anything stupid fucking jumps or 10lb. Ill just stick to 2.5lb each workout since I was progressing fine that way before I took that 5lb jump on each side.
Military press and bent row went great, squat is just fucking me over like no tomorrow, I know it doesn’t normally take somebody 2 fucking months to get a good squat form, but me I’m fucked idk, and shit is just crazy.
Here is the video, my buddy recorded it today, and on the last set he added “effects” by shaking the camera lmao, so try not to mind that its not that bad.
Critique? I can spot a lot of problems myself, but maybe im missing a lot. All I know is it sucks.
YouTube - Squat - Monday, March 15th, 2010.wmv
Military press and bent row went great, squat is just fucking me over like no tomorrow, I know it doesn’t normally take somebody 2 fucking months to get a good squat form, but me I’m fucked idk, and shit is just crazy.
Here is the video, my buddy recorded it today, and on the last set he added “effects” by shaking the camera lmao, so try not to mind that its not that bad.
Critique? I can spot a lot of problems myself, but maybe im missing a lot. All I know is it sucks.
YouTube - Squat - Monday, March 15th, 2010.wmv