Ceebs - those visual disturbances you and/or MS mentioned a while ago .... what sort of thing was happening?
I wear glasses most of the time - I've had some allergy problems with contacts lately, so have had to quit them - but I'm having this thing whereby I'm seeing double - well, sort of double - like one eye isn't keeping up with the other kind of feeling. It's weird - it seems like there's only one particular angle I can see properly out of my glasses with ... Now I know you're probably thinking, well, doh! go get the glasses checked, but there's other stuff involved. I'm very very stressed at the moment with finals coming up in 2 weeks and never-ending tests still going on, so I also haven't been getting much sleep. The visual thing was absolutely the worst last Friday when I got about 4 hrs sleep. I was convinced I needed new glasses, until Sunday, when I had had a chance to sleep for 12 hours - no seeing double all of Sunday - but it's back today
5 hours sleep.
And I'm opposite to you in ever thing else - highly emotional, grumpy, concentration off, ability to memorise stuff was always good, and no better or worse now, but calculations, if anything, seem to be getting harder.
Trying to read fractions of ml off a burette in chem prac exam today was a nightmare - eventually just closed one eye and hoped it wouldn't skew anything
PBR - I've heard of people using GHB for sleep, or even 5-HTP I think. I find reading a reeeeeaaaallly boring book works wonders though
Or milk & cookies, heh heh.