Just curious as to your thoughts on caffeine in drinks like tea and coffee. Do you think it's harmful or not? I'm a tea drinker (usually 1-2 cups a day of green tea). Doesn't caffeine slow down cellular repair?
I find caffeine's performance increasing effects to far outweigh any negatives it may be associated with. Habitual use of caffeine will clearly lead to a slight dependency as will just about any stimulant.
I love caffeine, but I wouldn't say its healthy, it can mess up your central nervous system, and yes its so addicting. Caffeine withdrawal headaches are horrible. "Horrible" in my Bill Walton voice.
Just curious as to your thoughts on caffeine in drinks like tea and coffee. like anything; if you don't overdo it you'll be fine
Do you think it's harmful or not?not really I'm a tea drinker (usually 1-2 cups a day of green tea). Doesn't caffeine slow down cellular repair? not really, I've seen studies that try to point towards insulin sensitivity problems which can lead to slower recovery, but overall it's very marginal
I never had them, from my thousands of clients I had about 10 that had a problem w/ it, mostly women. Don't worry about it unless you've had problem w/ caffeine before.