You know, over all the years of competing and dieting I think what I learned most is what everyone rolls their eyes about... That damn saying, "Everything in moderation."
Its silly, but true and sometimes it takes years to learn what is 'your' moderation. Some people really do dump a cup of cream in their coffee, then yeah - moderation is needed. Moderation is also needed where dieting is concerned, are you stepping on-stage? Are you trying to 'look' like you're going to compete? What's your end goal?
After 10 years of competing locally and nationally, bodybuilding as an appearance in contest form can only be acheived through somewhat unhealthy means and for a day or two. When someone steps on stage, they appear the healthiest person to the audience eye, but when at home the person's joints ache from lack of fat, hair falls out, nails brittle... list goes on.
So - I always ask people, what do you really want? Then I might be inclined to say more about the cream in your coffee.