hey guys I know the diet seems harsh.......
but I think you have to psychologically prepare your self for it.........
as far as the diet I think of my self as like a cave man on a long trek.....all I do is jog to get to my destination which is
the only thing I have with me is small servings of fruit, and small servings of protien.
the fruit is just enough to keep me going when I really need it......and the protien is for muscle sparing.......
again the program is two days on one day off.........so really its not that hard.
the rest day is perfectly timed to give you back the energy you need to do it again...and again.....
as far as lifting I have been cheating just a little.
on day 1....I do 5 sets of pushups at night.
on day 2....I do 5 sets of bent over rows at night.
this helps maintain my strength in my arms , deltoids, and abdominal region