Back and cardio today
Light jogging treadmill 30 mins pwo
- ISO low row machine isolation 240lbs up 10lbs 3x8
- Behind the back shrugs 175lbs 4x10 up in reps
- Isolated modified seated lat pulls 40lbs up 10lbs 3x12
- Ez bar wide grip curls 50lbs 4x12
- Chest supported tbar rows trap grip 105lbs 4x12 up in reps
- Isolated lat pulls iso high row 50lbs up 5lbs 3x12
- Hammer curls 35lbs up 5lbs 3x20
Post workout incline treadmill 30 mins moderate speed
Diet has been good.
1/3 cup of oatmeal with 2 tbsp of PB
1 scoop of whey with water + powder mixed greens
2x chicken breakfast sausage
Roasted chickpeas or hummus with Korean beef
Or turkey bean burrito bowl
I get my monosaturated fats from from either the tahini, some almonds, or avocado depending what I’m eating
Veggies broccoli or cucumbers
And 100 calories of beef jerky
Post workout I have 1 scoop of whey and a banana
1/2 scoop of whey
Quest chips or quest bar
Some type of legumes with lean beef like lunch
So I’m about to order more cardazol and cardarine. I can run those with my bulk/juice cycle? Just because I’m going to have some cardazol and cardarine left over from cutting