Somehow, by hook or by crook, over the past 10 years or so, I've managed to give up every unhealthy vice I ever had - speed, weed, acid, E, uppers, downers, powders, pills, cigarettes, booze (haven't had one single drink in a month), and on Monday I will finally make an all-out, no-holds barred attack on .... coffee! I drink 5 or 6 cups a day, and finally figured out it's messing with my diet - I don't like black coffee, so I put skim milk in it - THIS ADDS UP.
From now on - ONE morning cup, then herbal tea. I intend to explore the depths and breadths of the herbal tea market - I will have cranberry, gooseberry, blackberry, earl grey, orange, lemon, green tea, black tea, oolon tea, rosehip tea - I will have an orchard of fruits and a garden of herbs in my humble coffee cup.