It really depends IMHO
If someone is taking a bunch of drugs to increase nitrogen retention and buck their metabolism(certainAAS, Slin, T-3, GH, etc) they can absorb and utilize a massive amount of amino acids compared to normal.
think about PTOR(Protien turnover ratio). Basically the body creates and destroys your bodyweight(roughly)x 1.818 grams of proten a day to maintain homeostasis. So the average 200 lb dude is creating and destroying almost 400 grams of amino acid based tissue a day. Obviously this all is not skeletal muscle but it is still a large amount. and remember that is at rest
Now if we take that ratio and we then INCREASE the anabolic side through exogenous drug and metabolic enhancement as well as heavy weightlifting. Then decrease the catabolic side via cortisol and estrogen inhibition we have set the stage for MASSIVE growth potential
I am 275 right now. I havent done a cycle in over 3 years. I was 232 4 weeks before my cycle began. I ran 30 mg Dbol ED, 300 mg Deca E8D, and utilized 50 mcg T-3 on a 2 day on 2 day off protocol
On top of this my protein intake was well in excess of 600 grams daily. carbs were around 1000, fats around 120
My waist size only increased 1 inch and now all my jeans dont fit my quads and Im back to the XXXL shirts in my closet for the torso
moral of the story
Dont neglect your protein on cycle guys!
off it 1.5G or 2 G is cool. but when your on, EAT TO GROW