biteme said:
You need the real thing mate, believe me. I had thought I was washed up as well. Porn stopped doing anything for me and I had to jerk it for an hour sometimes just to get a response. Now, I have discovered that I'm a bigger stud than any teenager. I'm totally taken aback by this newfound discovery. I contribute my studliness to being in shape, testosterone, and the right woman.
Bro, look at my stats:
Height: too tall
Weight: not enough
Age: too old
Income: not enough
Car: was cool then got hammered by hail
penis: 2 cm
I.Q.: less than 90
Wanted: by the FBI
Religion: not very
Savings: substantial credit card debt
Outlook on the future: mushroom clouds
Friends: dog mostly
Skills: nothing real valuable
Future: will never be wealthy
Health: failing vision and heart
Organizational skills: say what?
Favorite Teams: Broncos have not won a playoff since Elway
Education: I forgot
Politics: looking for a new party, any party but this party
Computer skills: dumb ass, was OK at Photoshop but some hacker disabled that even with a re-installation
Enemies: plenty it would seem. slashed tires, robberies, threats, defamation, web site deletion and other trickery
Freedom: none....not one drop. Tried to hire a private investigator who then said he would turn me in for being "suspcious"
Interests: moving to another safer, less frenetic and less violent and hateful society.
There is a start.