How 'bout far away from the JAR of PB?? Take just one or two tablespoons and then hide the jar way back in the fridge so you forget about it until it's time for it again. That stuff is to d*#n addicting!!!
Hmmmmm I want some PB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yum-Yum
My fave (which Im about to eat) is 2tblsp of NPB mixed w. few raisins and a lil' cinnamon and then I cut up an apple into slices and eat it w. good
Hmmmmm I want some ANPB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yum-Yum
My fave (which Im about to eat) is 2tblsp of NPB mixed w. few raisins and a lil' cinnamon and then I cut up an apple into slices and eat it w. good
I have to agree as well -- too much ANPB comes out on my skin w/ the oil and the carbs in it still make me sort of sicky feeling. But then a friend introduced me to the idea of Splenda w/ PB -- bitch. Dammit I have to completely stay away from that stuff in general. I"m happier w/ my vinegar & oil / flax oil fat sources. Even the almonds are hard to stop. Flax oil is not something u want to sit around & munch on.
Yummy natural pb (the kind with honey that smuckers just came out with), whole wheat bread and a banana sliced in (who needs jam?!) with a cup of skim milk are a favorite bulking snack of mine.
As for the bread issue, it's all about complex vs. simple carbs. Things like white bread, sugar, soda, etc all give us a quick rush of energy (insulin spike) then let us down just as fast. That's exactly what you don't want! What you want is a carb source that provides a nice steady stream of energy that lasts. The best carbs are whole grains, yams, oatmeal, brown rice, etc. Stay away from the white bread
Ps. Make sure the bread is stone ground, rye or pumperknickle. A lot of those cheap store brand whole wheat breads are nothing more than enriched white bread with caramel coloring added.
Hmmmmm I want some PB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yum-Yum
My fave (which Im about to eat) is 2tblsp of NPB mixed w. few raisins and a lil' cinnamon and then I cut up an apple into slices and eat it w. good
I have to agree as well -- too much ANPB comes out on my skin w/ the oil and the carbs in it still make me sort of sicky feeling. But then a friend introduced me to the idea of Splenda w/ PB -- bitch. Dammit I have to completely stay away from that stuff in general. I"m happier w/ my vinegar & oil / flax oil fat sources. Even the almonds are hard to stop. Flax oil is not something u want to sit around & munch on.
MMMMM Flax Seed Oil... I just can't wait to try that with splenda.
I'm actually doing a serving of almonds, and 2T Olive oil for my fat sources.
I can't stop with the PB so I just don't have it. I find it's best to leave at work in the fridge since I always crave it at home. It's been in the fridge 1/2 full for the past month now.