ive got a question about the speed session,
i found it really...relaxing to do compared to the ME day. i did 12 sets of 2 reps at 50% of my 1rm and i didnt feel very fatigued at all. i then proceeded to do good mornings, deadlifts and abs and finished without feeling too tired. maybe its because i did such heavy good morning workout on monday?
im assuming that youve done the westside conjugate method so can i get some more information from you? youve been alot of help thanks in advance.
By the end of the speed session you should be smoked. Maybe your 1rm projections are off. Also the rest periods in between sets should be much shorter than max effort sessions. This should be a high intensity session with sub maximal weights to increase bar speed. Are you using bands or chains? When I do speed squats I use about 400 and 200 band or chains. The weights and tenshions change slightly but the bar weight is usually 40-60% 1rm. Then I add the tension to this. If I use straight weight I use about 70%.