Feb 5
10 GW+ 10 mgOstarine, 7 N2Guard
2 N2Slinx before meals
Press T1
2 sets of 10 x 45lbs, 8 x52.5, 7x 62.5, 6x 67.5, 5x62.5, 5x62.5, 3 sets of 8x57.5, 13x47.5
Incline Bench Press T2
2sets of 8 x47.5, 8x67.5,
5 sets of 8x72.5
Incline DB Press T3
3 Sets of 10 x 35 lbs
Work interrupted my workout.
Food looked like
4 eggs, 40g of high fiber oatmeal,isopure whey isolate, cashews, 2 tbsp fish oil, chicken breasts.
Wierd day, see you tomorrow!