thanks gymrat, and yes, Austin, you ARE special, and I posted one more just cuz you asked so nicely, that, and I am a glutton for punishment.
LMB, thank you, it's possible that I'm naturally lean, underneath the flab....Freshmen 15 took its toll on me and stuck around for a while after that. I'm not sure what your goal is, but if it is the same as mine, i.e., lean and muscular, you are on a good path yourself!
hahaha...ok, I can't pull off the shaking my fist look then I wasn't shaking my fist, I was in the middle of an uppercut.
Shoot...I've been so busy with this, I didn't get to the gym yet, and now I've gotta run over to this vegan conference for a volunteering gig I signed up for. I was going to wear my new suede jacket, but......I don't think I want PETA on my ass....