We have 135 days till we go to jamacia, what is the best way to take var in that time frame ladies? From those who have taking it! Age 34, Diet in check, first cycle. Thanks for all the help ladies!
I would go with 5mgs a day. The length is really up to your gf. Some go for 10 weeks, some 12 and some 14.
At 5mgs she should absolutely see results. If not its time to look over the meal plan and routine again.
Hope all goes well and have a great trip. I'm in NH and I can't imagine Maine is any better right now!
I agree with slat. The one thing she'll want to keep in mind is the timing. There's usually a bit of transition in coming off...might look more watery etc coming off so maybe time it to come off post trip or a bit before. Good luck!!