if you wanna loose weight period then you might loose a quick 5-10 pounds but when u start eating normal again it'll comeback depending on what you do after the two weeks.
That's basically like an uber-nutty Atkins Diet - all protein & fat. What scares me is the level of cardio & training you expect to do on that. I expect you will start to feel exhausted & lethargic soon. Also pay attention to the "weight" you are losing - every time you cut carbs out you will start dumping water weight. But make sure you aren't burning muscle. Honestly I'd at least do a carb up 1x/week - but for 2 weeks I guess its an "experiment".
W/ all that protein mix, you might want to include some ginger root - its a cheap supplement you can get at GNC or wherever - it helps greatly w/ digesting protein mix. And also make sure to use some fiber if you feel like you are getting backed up. You might also consider getting some "Perfect Greens" or one of those "greens" powders you can get at GNC --they provide you all the nutrients you would need from veggies, etc. I'm a huge proponent of supporting your body as much as possible when you choose to do some extreme forms of dieting or training. When you do a restricted diet (e.g. no veggies!) that can really impact your body's ability to shuttle out the waste / by products of the other stuff you are eating.